Cervical Plexus

Overview of the Cervical Plexus

Cervical Plexus

Cervical Plexus

Cervical plexus is the junction of tiny network of nerve fibers that transport sensory information to head, shoulder and neck. This continues till the pharynx and encloses within the neck. It even extends up to the pharynx. No doubt, it is an important part for the PNS or the peripheral nervous system, that’s a part of the CNS or Central Nervous System located outside the brain and spinal cord.

A superficial plexus nerve gives sensory information to the ear, neck and clavicle. Apart from these, all the nerves also arise from the lateral periphery, interestingly; you don’t have access to view the node. So, to find out this nerve, researchers take the help of interscalene groove. There are three main branches of the cervical plexus nerve. These include the cutaneous branches that are located at the center of sternocleidomastoid and placed in superficial fascia in the neck. The next branch is the muscular branch that travel deeply within plexus as well as provide sternocleidomastoid, trapezius as well as suboccipital muscles. The last branch includes the communicating branches that are provided to the plexus by the SNS or sympathetic nervous system.

Plexus Block

This plexus block is really effective and produces anesthesia over the shoulders, neck and pectoral region. While injecting the solution it must be noted that intravascular injection isn’t used. These injections tend to block the nerve resulting is serious issues like Horner’s syndrome.

Now, this cervical plexus nerve is prone to injuries caused by sports, accidents and hard labor. During such injuries, the nerves get overstretches or compressed and this leads to unbearable pain. Apart from this, injuries also lead to numbness along the neck and shoulder areas along with weakness. The wounds are also very difficult to manage and can only be treated with traction. This nerve is also vulnerable to motorcycle injuries and treatment might be a little difficult. Alongside tractions some of the other therapies used in plexus injury include stretches, flexion and isometric exercises.

*For more information on nerve health visit: http://nervehealthsupport.com/ and http://fastrelief.info/

Fat Burning Foods

Foods To Help Weight Loss

Gretna La Farmers Market

Gretna LA Farmers Market

Fast food, processed and packaged foods have become our go-to solution for most meals nowadays. With the constant influx of new fast food chains and the convenience that comes with buying ready to eat meals, one fails to pay heed to the dire repercussions they bring. Obesity has now become an epidemic in most developing countries and because of the intake of these foods; people are increasingly craving high-calorie foods or ‘convenient meals’ and are becoming ‘conditioned over-eaters’. Buying food from your local farmers market is a great way to get healthy natural food and help out the local economy. Some of the best foods I have ever eaten have come from a farmers market.

Keep The Waist Line In Check

So what does one eat and drink to keep that waist line in check? Going mostly natural means going healthy! We are starting with a drink called Plexus Slim which will help with hunger pangs and binge eating. Below we have listed some foods which are not only healthy, but will also help you shed those extra pounds. Combining these foods with the Plexus drink make for a winning combination.

Healthy Foods

Natural Fat Burning Foods

Natural Foods

The first are beans. They come cheap, are very filling and are a great source of protein. They pack in a lot of fiber and also digest slowly. Thus, they make you feel full for longer periods of time preventing you from resorting to binge eating.

Then we have soups. If you start your meal with a cup of soup, you will end up eating less. But remember, the soup has to be broth based, and not containing too much cream or butter. It should have about 100 to 150 calories per serving.

The next one would startle you, but in a good way. It is dark chocolate. If you want your fill of chocolate between meals, go for dark chocolate rather than milk one. It will help you consume less of a fattening meal than you would with milk chocolate.

Gretna Farmers Market in Gretna, LA

Natural Honey From Gretna Farmers Market

Pureed vegetables come next. They will enable you to add ‘cheat foods’ to your diet and reduce the calories you are eating. They add low-cal bulk to your dish and also make it taste better. Then we have nuts. They not only make great snacks but are also great appetite suppressants.

Add the above to your diet and see the difference! Within a matter of weeks you should start to see some changes. Doing mostly all natural will put you on your way to a successful weight loss plan.

Power of Protein

Proteins Are A Vital Part Of Our Diet

A balanced diet, usually, consists of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. Meat is the most popular protein, but this does not mean that it is the only one that should be given a priority. There are different classes of proteins all obtained from different sources. Choosing a wide range of foods rich in proteins while paying attention to cholesterol and fat intake are crucial elements of healthy living. Proteins are present in the skin, muscles, bones and other organ tissues. They are also present in the hemoglobin of red blood cells that transports oxygen. Enzymes and hormones are either protein or have a protein component and are essential for chemical reactions in the body.

Role of Proteins in the Body

Proteins being nutritious to the body perform several important functions. A balanced diet with sufficient protein content is necessary in building, maintaining and repairing cells and tissues of the body. Structural components of the body such as the skin, muscles, bones, and organs are largely made up of proteins. Several enzymes and hormones responsible in catalyzing and regulation chemical reactions and body processes are protein in nature. Proteins are also responsible in making antibodies of the immune system that help in fighting diseases. Sometimes when there are not enough carbohydrates and lipids in the body due to starving, proteins are broken down to supply energy for the body.

Healthy Sources of Proteins

Power Of Protein In Gluten Free Beef Jerky

Power Of Protein In Jerky

Low-fat foods are recommended as the best sources of proteins. There are a number of healthy protein sources such as nuts, beans, beef jerky, meat, fish, and dairy products with low-fat content. These sources are beneficial as they also supply you with calcium. Eggs are considered to be the ultimate source of proteins. However, egg yolk contains a high content of cholesterol and fat. Egg white is enough to provide enough proteins that you need in the body. This is why it is advised not to take more than two eggs per week. Other good sources of proteins include lentils, kidney, dried peas, cheese, yoghurt, whole grains and peanut butter. For instance, one cup of milk contains 8 grams of protein while one cup of beans provides 16 grams of protein.

Recommended Protein Content in the Diet

A healthy adult needs to consume a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. This translates to 8 grams of protein consumption for every 20 pounds of body weight. This rate will prevent your body from breaking down other tissues without replacement. Excessive consumption of proteins leads to excessive gain in body weight that leads to other complications such as obesity and kidney diseases. Choose My Plate is a good source to go to for information on healthy eating and protein. Low protein content in the body results in a weakened immune system, fatigue and physical weakness due to loss of muscle mass.

The power of proteins in the body can, therefore, not be understated. Foods rich in proteins should form the integral part of a healthy diet. They should however be taken in moderation with other classes of food, carbohydrates and lipids, to ensure a balanced diet is consumed at every meal.

Prevent Colon Cancer

Diets To Help Prevent Colon Cancer


Fruits and Vegetables

Prevent Colon Cancer – Fruits and Vegetables

Even if no single type of cancer is entirely preventable, the risk of colon cancer can be lowered by regularly exercising and eating a healthy diet. Screening can begin at the age of fifty for people with an average risk of developing colon cancer. Those, with a high risk, whose family has a history of colon cancer, may start colon cancer screening earlier. American, Indians and African-Americans should consider screening for colon cancer as early as the age of 45. Diet has been known to have an influence on the general well-being of an individual as far as health is concerned. Diet should be considered to ensure the risk of colon cancer is minimized as much as possible.

Fruits and Vegetables Help Prevent Colon Cancer

Fruits and vegetables contain a wide range of substances known to be beneficial to the health and wellness of an individual. These nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin E, dietary fiber and carotenoids. Complex plant components are also present like phytochemicals such as flavonoids. A number of phytochemicals and vitamins are known to be antioxidants. They destroy harmful free-radicals present in the body that cause diseases. Fruits and vegetables are beneficial to the body not only due to their different components, but also the interactions resulting from these components. This is the reason dietary supplements that contain isolated minerals or vitamins are not as beneficial as the fruits and vegetables themselves. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables ensures that you get essential vitamins and minerals for good health.

Fiber Content
You should opt for foods that have high fiber content. A diet rich in fiber is known to reduce the risk of constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and aids in combating colon cancer. Fiber feeds bacteria present in the intestines and nourishes cells of the large intestine. This is believed to promote healing and reduces development of colon cancer. Foods with insoluble fiber such as wheat bran and some vegetables do not feed bacteria well. Nonetheless, they are helpful in deactivating toxins in the large intestines. A high intake of such high fiber content foods reduces the risk of developing colon cancer. It is recommended for women to eat 25g of fiber per day and men 30g.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption and Smoking
If you choose to drink, reduce the amount you consume per day. For women, it is recommended not to have more than one drink each day; men should take less than two. Smoking also increases chances of developing other types of cancer such as lung cancer. If possible, you should quit drinking and smoking to live a healthy life.

Seek Advise From A Doctor And Dietitian

Consumption of red meat should be avoided as much as possible. You can opt for fleshy foods such as fish that are very nutritious. Avoid eating too much of processed and less cured meats such as ham, bacon and sausages. Foods rich in calcium should be incorporated into the diet such as milk and yogurt. Above all, you need to visit your dietitian for advice on foods that are beneficial in preventing colon cancer. There are many healthy foods a person can eat but your doctor or dietitian are the people you should seek out for advise. This article is for informational purposes only and not replace advise of your doctor. He may be able to help you prevent colon cancer.

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Losing Weight the Healthy Way

Healthy LivingIn this day and age, losing weight and maintaining a healthy body weight is something hard to achieve because of our eat-and-run style that cancels any diet that is used. Of course, traditional diets won’t work anymore, especially for long term, but achieving that weight loss is a matter that affects one’s relationship with food.
Losing weight might be a difficult process because we make it so, and harsh diets do not solve anything because our habits are the ones that must be stopped before starting the weight loss process. Just by making the right choices, one can develop new eating habits and styles that will help with increasing its healthy lifestyle.
The key here is to manage the weight so that the consumed calories will not exceed the amount that you can use; or, in layman’s terms, do not eat excessively.

Go for Whole-Grains

Natural is what you must eat. From bread to rice and noodles, the less processed your food is, the more natural nutrients and grains it will contain and thus helping you with weight loss process.

Vegetables, whole-grains and even fruits have a low calorie amount but are rich in antioxidants so for every bite taken the closer you are to losing weight; you must however remember that are other alternatives to bread and rice.

Drink Plenty Of Water

Keeping yourself hydrated is a must during the weight loss process. Energy drinks, light beers or fruit smoothies would contain about 100 calories each, but these won’t satisfy your stomach as much as food does, some of them even puffing your body out because of the sodium based ingredients.
But if we take water into consideration, then losing weight shouldn’t be too much of a hassle. With zero calories and carbs and a very low percentage of sodium, it is the perfect drink for the weight loss process that can be customized with some mint leaves or lemon wedges for a little extra flavor.

Self Motivation

Positive thoughts motivate you and will eventually compliment you on your journey. Pat yourself on the back every time you choose a vegetable instead of a slice of pizza and remember yourself how easy it will be for you to succeed in losing weight if you will keep it up. So you had two bowls of ice cream, that doesn’t mean that you must beat yourself up, but think in a positive way and understand that every day can be considered a new start.

Exercise Is Vital For Weight Loss

Exercising helps you to keep your muscle proportions, so you must understand that losing weight is based around working out and not slacking. It will protect your muscles by hardening them and training them to keep up the pace with your metabolism’s rate.

Many people tend to accept the overweight and obese stage every year, and that is because of our sedentary lifestyle that doesn’t promote physical activity as the natural part of day to day tasks. For this kind of problem the solution is to increase the level of physical activities day by day in a slow manner so that the body and the mind will get used to the exercise and gradually start to bring benefits to the weight loss process.